Photo: Greg Constantine
Selected Publications
Books and Monographs
Measuring the Cost of Statelessness: A Livelihoods Study, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019 (with Samantha Balaton-Chrimes, Rajith Lakshman, and Maureen Lynch) (under contract).
Against the Evidence: Europe's Migration Challenge and the Failure to Protect (Special Issue of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; (Editor with Martin Baldwin-Edwards & Heaven Crawley), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019.
Forced Migration, Gender and Wellbeing: The Long-Term Effects of Displacement on Women, (with Selma Porobić, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019). (under contract).
Migration and Freedom: Mobility, Citizenship, Exclusion, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014 (Published August 2014; 229 pages; ISBN 978 1 78195 583 3; Paperback published February 2016; 229 pages; ISBN 978-1-78195-583-3).
Birth Registration and Children's Rights: A Complex Story, Plan International (Co-authored with Carolyn Hamilton, Kara Apland, Rajith Lakshman and Elizabeth Yarrow), Plan International, May 2014, pp. 147; ISBN: 978-1-906273-65-1).
Statelessness in Europe (Special Issue of the European Journal of Migration and Law (Editor with Amal de Chickera), 14/3, 2012.
Statelessness in the European Union: Displaced, Undocumented and Unwanted, Cambridge University Press, (Published February 2011; 334 pages; ISBN 9780521191937).
(Co-authored and co-edited with Caroline Sawyer).
Statelessness and Citizenship: A Comparative Study on the Benefits of Nationality, Edward Elgar Publishing, (Published January 2011; 244 pages; ISBN 978 1 84980 067 9). (Co-authored and co-edited with Maureen Lynch).
Responding to Systemic Human Rights Violations: An Analysis of 'Pilot Judgments'of the European Court of Human Rights and their Impact at National Level, Intersentia. (Published March 2010; 206 pages; ISBN 978-94-000-0041-4) (Co-authored with Phil Leach, Helen Hardman, and Svetlana Stephenson).
Statelessness and the Benefits of Citizenship: A Comparative Study, Geneva Academy for International and Humanitarian Law and International Observatory on Statelessness. (Co-authored with Maureen Lynch) (Published July 2009; 126 pages; ISBN 978-0-9563275-0-5/ISBN 978-0-9563275-1-2).
War and Change in the Balkans: Nationalism, Conflict and Cooperation, Cambridge University Press. (Editor and co-author). (Published October 2006; 302 pages; ISBN-10: 0521677734; ISBN-10: 0521860423).
International Cooperation and the Limits of Educational Integration in the European Union. Doctoral Dissertation, Stanford University, 1997 (World Cat: 81613098).
Refereed Journal Articles
‘Refugee Returns and Post-Conflict Integration: An Unlikely Scenario’ (with Agnes Simic), Journal of Refugee Studies, 2019 (in progress)
‘The Business of Slavery in a Failed State: Experiences of Transit Migrants in Libya’, Business and Society, 2019 (in progress).
‘The Cost of Statelessness: Nationality Discrimination and Vulnerable Livelihoods’, World Politics (with Rajith Lakshman and Maureen Lynch), 2019 (in progress).
‘Birth Registration and the Externalties of Health Education’, World Development (with Rajith Lakshman) 2019 (in progress).
‘Minding and Mapping the Gap: Statistical Reporting and the Representation of Stateless People’, Global Governance (submitted; under review)
‘The politics of evidence-based policy in Europe’s “migration crisis”’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (with Martin Baldwin-Edwards and Heaven Crawley), 2018, doi
‘Common Agenda or Europe’s Agenda? The Use of Development Assistance To Prevent Migration From The Horn Of Africa’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2018; doi 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1468393).
‘Health Inequalities in Refugee Reception: Dateline Europe’, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Special Issue “Refugee Health”), 14/12 (2017), pp. 1484-1506.
‘Another Story: What Public Opinion Data Tell Us About Refugee And Humanitarian Policy, Journal on Migration and Human Security, 5(2) 2017: 379-400.
‘The Social and Economic Value of the RNLI Lifeboat Service’, Journal of Search and Rescue (with Ian Greatbatch and Penelopi Alexandrou) (accepted, in press).
‘Bosnia Revisited: A Retrospective on the Legacy of Conflict’, Forced Migration Review 50 (September 2015), pp 49-51.
‘Contestation and Reconstruction: Natural Resources and Post-Conflict Development in Borderland Regions’, Stability: International Journal of Security & Development (with Roger Zetter) (3/1, 1-18)
‘Location Security and Environmental-Induced Displacement: a Case Study of the Riverine Islands in Bangladesh’, Refuge 29/2, pp. 63-71 (February 2014).
‘The Social and Economic Value of the RNLI Lifeboat Service’, Journal of Search and Rescue (with Ian Greatbatch and Penelopi Alexandrou) (accepted May 2013).
‘Evaluating Transitions: Human Rights and Qualitative Democracy in East/Central Europe’, Europe-Asia Studies, 63/9 (2011), pp. 1745–1770.
‘Statelessness and Environmental Induced Displacement: Future Scenarios of De-Territorialization, Rescue and Recovery Examined’, Mobilities, 6/3, (2011), pp. 433–450.
‘Fractured Lives and Grim Expectations: Freedom of Movement and the Downgrading of Status in the Italian University System’, Bulletin of Italian Politics 2/2, (2011), pp. 123-140.
‘Stateless by Any Other Name: Unsuccessful Asylum Seekers in The United Kingdom, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies’ (First author with Miguel Otero-Iglesias) 37/4, (2011), pp. 657- 673.
‘Highly Skilled Migration,’ in The International Studies Encyclopedia, Robert A. Denemark (ed.), Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 3292-3320. (Also, published in International Studies On-Line).
‘Putting an End to Statelessness: International Advocacy Campaigns and Policy Development’, Forced Migration Review 32 (2009), pp. 25-26.
‘Libyan Nationals in The United Kingdom: Geo-Political Considerations and Trends in Asylum and Return’ in International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 10/2 (2009), pp. 106-127.
‘Post-Socialist Transformation, Penal Reform and Justice Sector Transition in Albania’, Journal of South East European and Black Sea Studies, 8/4 (2008), pp. 345-364.
‘Democratic Development, Judicial Reform and the Serbian Question in Croatia’, Human Rights Review, 9/1(2007), pp. 123-135.
‘Decentralisation, Citizenship and Mobility: Residency Restrictions and Skilled Migration’ in Moscow, Citizenship Studies, 11/4 (2007), pp. 381-402.
‘Statelessness and the Social (De)Construction of Citizenship: Political Restructuring and Ethnic Discrimination In Slovenia’, Journal of Human Rights, 5/4 (2006), pp. 453 – 479.
‘Refugee Returns, Civic Differentiation and Minority Rights in Croatia 1991-2004’, Journal of Refugee Studies, 18/3 (2005), pp. 362-386. (Nominated for the Lisa Gilad Award for the best article published by an author under the age of 40 by the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration).
‘“Brain Circulation”, the Spanish Medical Profession and International Recruitment in the United Kingdom’, Journal of European Social Policy, 15/4 (2005), pp. 363-379.
‘Non-Voluntary Return? The Politics of Return to Afghanistan’, Political Studies, 53/1 (2005), pp.182-200 (First author with Rosemary Sales and Lisa Marzano).
‘Refugee Returns in Croatia: Contradictions and Reform’, Politics, 23/3 (2003), pp. 181-191.
‘From Monnet to Delors: Educational Cooperation in the European Union’, Contemporary European History, 12/12 (2003), pp. 197-212.
‘Political Integration and Economic Reconstruction in Bosnia and Herzegovina’, Forum Bosnae, 11/01 (2001), pp. 215-229.
‘Professional Mobility and the Mutual Recognition of Qualifications in the European Union:
Two Institutional Approaches,’ Comparative Education Review, 43/3 (1999), pp. 311-331.
‘The Resistant Guild: Institutional Protectionism and Freedom of Movement in the Italian University System’, Journal of South European Society and Politics, 4/1 (1999), pp. 27-47.
‘Cycles of Violence: End-Games and International Mediation in Bosnia and Kosovo’ Yale International Forum’, (1999 Spring) 1/2, pp. 42-52 (First author with John Tillinghast).
‘Destroying Bosnia: A Clash of Values not Civilizations’, in Cornell Political Forum, IX/3 (1995), pp. 10-12.
Book Chapters
‘Counting Refugees and Stateless People’, in Jan Boehnke, Jeff Evans, Sally Ruane, and Humphrey Southall (eds.), Radical Statistics in the 2020s, 2018 (in progress) (with Eleonore Kofman and Alessio d’Angelo).
‘Nationality, Statelessness and Citizenship’ in Yasushi Watanabe (ed.), Handbook of Cultural Security, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018 (in press).
‘Economic Migrants’ in Simon Underdown (ed.) 30 Second Anthropology, Ivy Press, 2018, pp. 106-108.
‘Statelessness and Arendt Reconsidered’ in Tendayi Bloom, Katherine Tonkiss, and Phillip Cole (eds.) Lives in Limbo: Understanding Statelessness, Routledge, 2017, pp. 70-84.
‘Evaluating Transitions: Human Rights and Qualitative Democracy in East/Central Europe’ in Terry Cox (ed.) Reflections on 1989 in Eastern Europe. Routledge, 2013, pp. 1745-1770
‘Neither Seen Nor Heard: Compound Deprivation Among Stateless Children’ in Jacqueline Bhahba (ed.), Children Without a State: The Scope of Child Statelessness in the 21st Century, MIT Press, 2011, pp. 43-66.
‘Policy Responses and Global Discourses on the Rights of Non-Citizens and Stateless People’ in Caroline Sawyer and Brad K. Blitz (eds.), Statelessness in the European Union: Displaced, Undocumented and Unwanted, Cambridge University Press 2011, pp. 108-138.
‘Statelessness in the European Union’ in Caroline Sawyer and Brad K. Blitz (eds.), Statelessness in the European Union: Displaced, Undocumented and Unwanted, Cambridge University Press, 2011 (with Caroline Sawyer), pp. 1-21.
‘De facto Statelessness in the United Kingdom’ in Caroline Sawyer and Brad K. Blitz (eds.), Statelessness in the European Union: Displaced, Undocumented and Unwanted, Cambridge University Press, 2011 (with Caroline Sawyer), pp. 160-194.
‘Research Design and Methodology’ in Caroline Sawyer and Brad K. Blitz (eds.), Statelessness in the European Union: Displaced, Undocumented and Unwanted, Cambridge University Press, 2011 (with Caroline Sawyer), pp. 139 – 159.
‘Analysis: the Practical and Legal Realities of Statelessness in the European Union’ in Caroline Sawyer and Brad K. Blitz (eds.), Statelessness in the European Union: Displaced, Undocumented and Unwanted, Cambridge University Press, 2011 (with Caroline Sawyer), pp. 281-305.
‘Conclusions’ in Caroline Sawyer and Brad K. Blitz (eds.), Statelessness in the European Union: Displaced, Undocumented and Unwanted, Cambridge University Press, 2011 (with Caroline Sawyer), pp. 306-311.
‘Statelessness and the Deprivation of Nationality’ in Brad K. Blitz and Maureen Lynch (eds.), Statelessness and Citizenship: A Comparative Study on the Benefits of Nationality, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011 (with Maureen Lynch), pp. 1-22.
‘Summary and Conclusions’ in Brad K. Blitz and Maureen Lynch (eds.), Statelessness and Citizenship: A Comparative Study on the Benefits of Nationality, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011 (with Maureen Lynch), pp. 194-208.
‘Statelessness: The Global Problem’ in Brad K. Blitz and Maureen Lynch (eds.), Statelessness and the Benefits of Citizenship: A Comparative Study, Geneva Academy for International and Humanitarian Law and International Observatory on Statelessness, 2009, pp. 4-18.
‘Summary and Conclusions’ in Brad K. Blitz and Maureen Lynch (eds.) Statelessness and the Benefits of Citizenship: A Comparative Study. Geneva Academy for International and Humanitarian Law and International Observatory on Statelessness, 2009, pp. 94-103.
‘New Beginnings? Refugee Returns and Post Conflict Integration in the Former Yugoslavia’, in Brad K. Blitz (ed.), War and Change in the Balkans: Nationalism, Conflict and Cooperation, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 239-266.
‘War and Change’, in Brad K. Blitz (ed.),War and Change in the Balkans: Nationalism, Conflict and Cooperation, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 1-12.
‘Regional Co-operation and State-Building: a Manageable Recipe?’ in Mladen Grbin and Carole Hodge (eds.), Sigurnost i stabilnost u jugoistocnoj Europi [Security and Stability in South Eastern Europe] Durieux, Zagreb, 2000.
‘Negotiating Ethnic and Racial Differences’, in Jan DeGroof and Jan Fiers (eds.), The Legal Status of Minorities in Education, ACCO, Netherlands, 1997, pp. 157-163.
‘Idle Curiosity and the Production of Useless Knowledge: Academic Responses to Genocide’, in Stjepan Mestrovic (ed.), The Conceit of Innocence. Texas A and M University Press, 1997, pp. 158-180.
‘Serbia's War Lobby: Diaspora Groups and Western Elites’, in Thomas Cushman and Stjepan Mestrovic (eds.), This Time We Knew: Western Responses to Genocide in Bosnia. New York University Press,
pp. 187-243.
Research Reports
Inform: Legal And Procedural Information For Asylum Seekers In The European Union
UK Country Report, (with Jocelyn Hutton and Agnes Simic), Middlesesx University, April 2018. Available at:
Turning Invisible Children Into Invincible Ones, World Identity Network (with Mariana Dahan and Alicia Camona), March 2018. Available at:
Mapping Refugee Reception In the Mediterranean: First Report of the Evi-Med Project, (with Alessio d’Angelo, Eleonore Kofman and Nicola Montagna), Available at:
‘EVI-MED - Constructing An Evidence Base Of Contemporary Mediterranean Migrations Interim Report’, Report to the Economic and Social Research Council, 16 July 2016.
‘Birth Registration and Children's Rights: A Complex Story, Plan International’, (with Carolyn Hamilton, Kara Apland and Elizabeth Yarrow), Plan International, May 2014, pp. 147)
‘The Benefits of Birth Registration: A Quantitative Analysis of India, Kenya and Sierra Leone’, (with Mark Fielder, Rajith Lakshman, Maureen Lynch), Plan International, October 2013, pp. 108.
‘The Benefits of Birth Registration: A Macro-Analysis’ (with Mark Fielder, Rajith Lakshman, Maureen Lynch), Plan International, March 2013, pp. 24
‘The Social and Economic Value of the RNLI Lifeboat Service’ (with Ian Greatbatch, Penelopi Alexandrou, and Andrea Kleinsmith), 24 August 2012, pp. 114.
‘The Cost of Statelessness: A Livelihoods Analysis’, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, United States Department of State, (with Samantha Balaton-Chrimes, Rajith Lakshman, and Maureen Lynch), 31 August 2011, pp. 214.
‘Climate Change, Location Security and Migration’. Technical Background Paper for the Asia-Pacific Human Development Report, One Planet to Share: Sustaining Human Progress in a Changing Climate. New York, United Nations Development Program, March 2011, pp. 101.
‘Reflection Group - Planning For The Future: European Migration Policy’, Contribution 11 by Kalypso Nicolaidis and Brad K. Blitz, Reflection Group of the European Council, September 19, 2009, pp. 41.
‘Statelessness, Protection and Equality’, UK Department of International Development and University of Oxford Refugee Studies Centre Policy Brief, September, 2009, pp. 62. Available at:
‘Libyan Nationals in the United Kingdom: Geo-Political Considerations and Trends in Asylum and Return’ WP 07-58, COMPAS, University of Oxford, 2007, pp. 29. Available at:
‘Minorities and the Denial or Deprivation of Citizenship’, Report for the UN Independent Expert on Minority Issues, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, 2007, pp. 53.
‘Pilot Study for The European Committee for The Prevention of Torture (CPT) -- Report on Implementation of the CPT’s Recommendations in Albania, Moldova and Georgia’, Human Rights and Social Justice Research Institute, London Metropolitan University, (with Bill Bowring, Douwe Korff, Philip Leach) 7 July 2007, pp. 114.
‘Review of Key Human Rights Issues in Serbia and Montenegro during 2003 and Recommendations for OMiSaM’s 2004 Human Rights Agenda’, Report for Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe Mission to Serbia and Montenegro, (with Bill Bowring, Douwe Korff, Philip Leach), March 2004, pp. 1-99.
‘A Preliminary Exploration of Afghan Nationals in the UK; their Professional Capacity and Views on Return’, Home Office, (with Rosemary Sales and Liza Marzano), 2003, pp. 1-70.
‘Croatia Country Annex’ - Report for DFID and Conflict Prevention Fund’s Safety, Security and Access to Justice in the Balkans Programme, (with Tony Lavender & Zoran Pajic) August 2001.
‘Bosnia Country Annex’ - Report for DFID and Conflict Prevention Fund’s Safety, Security and Access to Justice in the Balkans Programme (with David Mellish and Zoran Pajic), August 2001.
‘Balkan Returns: An Overview of Refugee Returns and Minority Repatriation’, United States Institute of Peace Special Report, 1999, pp. 1-11. Available at:
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